
FrontEndART Software Ltd.

FrontEndART Ltd. ( was founded in 2001 by researchers of the Department of Software Engineering, University of Szeged, dealing with source code analysis. Since its establishment, our company has been developing innovative products related to source code analysis and source code quality management, based on the research results of the University of Szeged. We consider it our mission to provide our clients with solutions that increase the efficiency and quality of software development and reduce operational risks. FrontEndART Ltd. is currently the market leader in Hungary in the field of source code analysis and source code quality assurance. Our source code analysis tools enable the analysis of the most common programming languages, such as Java, JavaScript, C#, C/C ++, and Python. Our tools come in two product lines: SourceMeter ( – Static source code analyser tool family QualityGate ( – Source code quality management system In addition to the source code quality assurance business, our company provides a full range of professional software testing services. Our experts have many years of experience, an internationally recognized ISTQB test certificate, and extensive knowledge of the most advanced and efficient testing technologies and techniques.

Main Contributions : Integrating the platform the FrontEndART’s QualityGate and providing a use case for the optimal assignment of software improvement and refactoring tasks to individual developers.

University of Szeged

USZ has been a leading research-oriented university in Hungary for years, according to the international QS World University Rankings. Besides research, USZ is also at the forefront in education. The number of our students has grown to 21,000, in which the number of international students coming from 115 countries exceeds 4,000. The Department of Software Engineering is one of the seven units of the Institute of Informatics. We believe that innovation is not the exclusive privilege of senior researchers. Should new ideas come from our partners, our students or the developer community, we are ready to channel them to the place where they can be used with the greatest benefit thus generating new business opportunities and scientific results. The Research Group on Artificial Intelligence (RGAI) belongs to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) and the University of Szeged (USZ). RGAI is the oldest artificial intelligence research group in Hungary with its predecessor, called The Research Group on Theory of Automata, having been established in 1969, and working in AI fields since 1996. Current research activities of the Group focus on seven research topics in AI: speech technology, natural language processing, software engineering, security, deep learning, self-organizing systems and theory, and methodology of machine learning. Practical applications include several healthcare domains.

Main Contribution : University of Szeged contributes with ML models